Module 01 – Right to Information

About Course
Aims of the Module
- Discuss RTI, its definitions, concepts, limitations and main actors
- Conceptualize the nature in which RTI enhances citizens’ meaningful participation in public
events. - Explain the domestic and international legal framework of RTI
- Analyze the fundamental principles of RTI
- Discuss how to practically exercise the RTI and empowerment to exercise the right
Learning Outcomes:
By the end of this module, you should be able to:
- Explain the definitions and conceptual framework of FOI and RTI
- Describe the key actors of a successful RTI regime
- Map out the international legal obligations of RTI
- Outline the constitutional and other legal provisions of RTI and awareness on judgements
relating to RTI - Map out the fundamental principles of RTI and evaluate their importance to Media Citizens
- Successfully apply the law to a given issue in exercising RTI
Course Content
Module 01 – Section 01
Module 01 – Section 01
00:00 -
Module 1- Section 1
Module 01 – Section 02
Module 01 – Section 03
Module 01 – Section 04
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Awesome 👍
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Good experience
Feeling easy mode equation and answer
Feeling easy mode equation and answer
All are good .I am enjoy to doing this session. Thanks you