Every corner has a story to tell

Every corner has a story to tell. Even in the busiest places, there’s always a moment of pause.

සෑම අස්සක් මුල්ලක් නෑරම කීමට කතාවක් තිබේ. කාර්යබහුලම ස්ථානවල පවා, සෑම විටම මොහොතකට විරාමයක් ඇත.

ஒரு புகைப்படம் பல கதை சொல்லும்!

எந்த ஒரு பரபரப்பான இடத்திட்க்கும் ஒரு கண அமைதி உண்டு

This photograph was taken by a fellow member of the Inspire Fellowship
